
About Me

Dawna’s journey has been one filled with, both, challenges and blessings. Through it all, God provided purpose in her process.  She transitioned  from walking as a  victim  to walking as a victor.  Since  choosing to live a purposeful life,  Dawna has found joy in speaking life into and over others.

Dawna is a woman of God that wants to be used as a vessel for God’s work. She hopes to use her testimonies of suicide, identity confusion, abuse, relationship challenges, church hurt, homosexuality, and spiritual warfare to help encourage others to build healthy connections with the community, church, family, and God. Dawna understands the importance of embracing God’s best and walking in the righteousness and grace provided through Christ Jesus. She endeavors to share the good news with as many people as possible. Her message is LOVE. Her method is LIFE.

Check out her most recent book titled:

Dancing With Death: The Battle of a Suicidal Mind

(Sold at all major distributors)

Check out the SHOP to you left and get a copy!